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It's Too Much

I have a friend who utters out loud “it’s too much” when she’s feeling overwhelmed. The look on her face shows it all, she is juggling work, kids, schedules, bills, piles of laundry and whatever other chaos is going on. I don’t know this for sure but I could venture an educated guess that her thoughts are swirling about how this is her responsibility to manage. She’s probably on an endless loop of ideas around what she wants her life to look like, what activities she wants for her kids and how it is up to her to make that happen. I hear from women all the time that managing the kids and household is solely or mostly on them. That doesn’t even touch work or extended family obligations.

She needs a break...from the never ending wheel of commitments but also from the

photo credit: gabriel matula (unsplash)

relentless thoughts in her mind about how she should be or how she could be doing things better.

Does any of this sound familiar?

Even without kids in the mix it is so easy for us to get caught up in expectations of

what or how we should be handling responsibilities and obligations.

But it’s important to question, whose expectations are we living up to? If they are yours, where did they come from and are they helping you live the kind of life that you want? If the expectations aren’t yours (maybe they’re your mom’s, mother-in-law’s, or what gets ingrained in us from (social) media ) you may want to question WHY you’re trying to live up to them. Who are you trying to make happy?

These kinds of questions can shine a light on what’s really motivating you and it might surprise you. Let me know what you discover in the comments.


If you need a break.

If you really want a get away but time, travel and/or money are getting in the way.

I have just the ticket.

Join me for the Soul Spa Virtual Retreat at the end of this month.

Go here for more details. Not only is it a full day just for you, but you will connect with other authentic, heart centered women who want more for themselves and for you too. AND you don’t even have to leave your house. Win-win-win go here for more info.

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