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Where are YOU?

Mama I see you.

I see you running the show, making sure all the people in your life are taken care of, and crossing sh*t off your never ending to-do list.

Even now. Maybe more so now. 

Some of you have had to become a homeschool teacher or your kids are knocking on your closet door where you are hiding trying to do your Zoom call for work. Maybe you are alone and isolated. Perhaps you have the added task of checking in on older parents. 

But, what I want to ask is who is taking care of you?

I know your shoulders are heavy.

I know you carry a lot.

I see this even if you live alone. 

Where are you in this uncertain time?

I have been shouting from the rooftops long before COVID-19 hit that the idea of the Superwoman is a myth. 

We can’t do it all alone. Period.

It’s ok to let things go.

It’s ok to ask for help.

It’s ok to feel all the feels right now.

Now more than ever we need to put down who we think we should be and just BE.

I see you.

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