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Real Change Requires the Next Step of Uncovering Harmful Beliefs

“Your posts make me feel like I’m not alone”.

I loved seeing that message show up in my in-box.

This work is what I live for.

Watching my clients experience transformations that impact their earnings, careers, & relationships lights me the hell up.

So, you bet I was stoked to hear that a reader could see that she wasn’t the only one having an experience.

Shame starts to creep in when you feel like you’re the one who’s different.

People generally don’t talk about the hard stuff. The real hard stuff like thinking you’re f’ing up your kids when you lose your cool. Or worrying about your relationship with them when you work late and miss a game, again.

Or how anytime your boss calls a meeting you’re worried that she’s figured out you don’t know WTH you’re doing & you’ll be fired (except that you do know what you’re doing).

Nobody else feels like that.

Everybody else has their shit together. Except you - you’re the weirdo.

And...cue shame, which makes you stay quiet. Shame loves to hide in the shadows whispering about how inadequate you are & playing on your fears.

So, yes getting this message made me happy, but my next thought was “...and now what”?!

I’m grateful my messages land with you, at least I assume they do or you’d unfollow.

But, now WHAT?

Most people don’t read blogs or social media posts & use the content to make big, lasting changes in their lives.

I didn’t find the courage to quit a 20+ year career to leap into coaching without uncovering the beliefs driving my fears & work through them with a coach to change my mindset.

My clients don’t achieve transformation without actively working with me to discover the BS stories they’re telling themselves. And then they intentionally embody the new beliefs until they create levels of confidence that allows them to take risks, be vulnerable, speak up, & stop beating the crap out of themselves.

What could change in your life if you did that?

Think of the impact on your relationships or your career.

So, ask yourself “now what?”.

The message resonates, but what action will you take so that you stop feeling stuck or quit having the same circular argument with your spouse?

What’s needed to move the needle for you? Because real change -if you want it- requires the next step.

This is the last week to be a part of The Soul Spa Getaway.

The getaway is a GREAT next step.

Impact is ramped up in person.

There’s no long commitment, just a few days away.

What could it do for you to be immersed in a weekend of exploration and connection?


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