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Courage From Crisis

My friend Karen was the poster child for a type A, overachieving, people pleaser. She never spoke out and did exactly what was expected of her. Then she was diagnosed with breast cancer at 25 years old. Seemingly overnight she transformed into a badass. Her attitude was “I don’t have time for BS anymore!” She started speaking her mind, advocating for herself, and setting boundaries. I am still in awe of the way she turned a crisis into courage. 

But, here is the doesn’t take a crisis. It just takes you deciding that you’re done. It takes you changing your beliefs about what you “have to” do or be. You don’t.

This is your life and you get to decide how you show up and where to draw the line. 

And while change doesn't require a crisis, we find ourselves in the middle of the Coronavirus outbreak. But even in this time of uncertainty, there is inspiration. People are singing from their balconies, there are stories of extreme generosity, creative approaches to working remotely, and staying connected and apart at the same time.   

How can you find or strengthen courage in this time of crisis? Where can you draw from Karen and decide life is too short for BS?! It’s time. 

Share in the comments or email me at info(at)jennifersherwood(dot)com to let me know what is going to be different for you from now on.


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