Are you ready to stop feeling like you’re drowning under all.the.things & learn how to bring in calm & ease without doing more AND without feeling guilty?
I know it feels unrealistic, but I promise you-it's 100% possible-and it's not complicated.
Does this sound familiar?
You skipped yoga class (again) because you had to get that project done
And you ordered pizza (again) because you stayed late to finish the project-so much for eating at home more this year
And when you finally sit down you see that you missed the Zoom birthday celebration for your old college roommate
And you feel like crap
And the next night, you really want to read your book. But, you stop to send one quick email & notice a performance review you forgot to finish…
AND 2 hours later it’s past the 11:00 bedtime you’d promised yourself. Damn.
THIS is what overwhelm feels like
Two steps forward & 47 back!
Imagine going to bed & NOT worrying about what you didn’t get done today
What would it be like to put that yoga class on the calendar as a recurring meeting & NOT skip it?
Imagine letting your kid sort out the project he procrastinated on & NOT turning your evening on
its head to help him finish AND not feeling guilty about it?
What if you could leave that unfinished email in draft until tomorrow without stressing or beating yourself up?
Introducing, The Ease Virtual Retreat
Saturday April 17 9:00-3:00 (pacific)
Imagine how it would feel to immerse yourself in a full day of QUIET relaxation, calm, & connection with yourself & other women...without having to take care of anyone else.
The Ease Virtual Retreat is designed to let go of stress, of all the things that are pulling on your attention, & feel more centered & calm. More at ease.
From the comfort of your own home you will be able to…
Release some of the overwhelm & uncertainty of the past year that’s left you feeling exhausted & overburdened.
So that you can...
Get out from under the never ending to-do list that’s needling the back of your mind. All the damn time!
Have focused time to shift from what you’re tolerating in your life to what you want, what you love-not just checking items off your list.
Respond to requests with confidence, not from fear of what others will think
Give yourself a break, even if that feels impossible right now.
The Ease virtual retreat is different from other retreats or getaways because:
You get to create the environment that feels comfortable and luxurious in your own space, from your own home.
Ease isn’t a band-aid fix. We won’t simply repeat positive affirmations & call it a day. You’ll learn simple, clear, implementable tools that you can put into action right away.
You’ll learn tools & strategies that will disarm your to-do list; it will no longer dictate how you operate or feel.
You can get reconnected to YOU - without traveling, packing, or worrying about social distancing.
We will lean into the whys.
Why we...
Take on too much
Are sometimes short with our people
Feel stressed, overwhelmed, or irritable!
Have such a hard time saying no
Repeatedly put other people’s needs ahead of our own
AND we’ll do this together.
You’ll walk away with simple changes to easily implement without disrupting the lives of the people you love. They'll still be a central part of your life-you’ll simply learn how to deal with them and NOT lose yourself.
One of my superpowers is creating spaces that feel safe & supportive. You’ll be surrounded by women who are ready to be open, vulnerable, & make real changes for themselves.
They genuinely want to share, connect, & support each other.
You’ll leave with new soul sister connections so that you can reach out to someone who gets you & is making similar changes in her life.
By the end of The Ease Virtual Retreat you will...
Stop feeling crabby, barking at people, & then beating yourself up for snapping.
Stop SHOULDING all over yourself
Learn how to move through life with more ease-even if you have NO idea how to do that.
Recognize when you are beating the crap out of yourself & shift out of it (it’s possible, I promise!)
Feel more balanced instead of pulled between demands
Let go of the stranglehold of your never ending to-do list & guilt-even if you have NO idea how to do that!
Here’s what you get at The Ease Virtual re-TREAT:
We'll start the day with a quiet meditation. We’ll unpack exercises to help you make simple, impactful shifts.
On the spot, real time coaching
You'll get 1:1 LIVE personalized coaching to help you overcome the places you’re stuck right then and there.
Laughter & fun is VITAL to create what you want for yourself. If we’re not having fun, it’s not going to work.
You’ll come into a retreat that’s been designed as a relief for you & discover that you’re not alone.
In every retreat & group I’ve ever run, the women there find it comical how long they’ve thought they were the only one who thought, felt, or treated themselves that way. And they quickly find out, they’re NOT.
This retreat is not fluffy; you’ll do deep work & form strong bonds...& your life will be changed.
You’ll also also laugh a lot because you’ll feel freer & accepted and be able to enjoy yourself.
A wise friend once said "you can't be present & have to pee" true!
This is YOUR retreat. There will be potty breaks & a one-hour break mid-day for lunch or whatever YOU NEED.
You can also step away from the computer anytime you need a break or to get a drink. It's YOUR day.
A post retreat group follow-up call
Not only will you walk away from the retreat with action steps to take, but you’ll also get a follow-up group call where you can share, ask questions, & check in with each other.
Are you ready to stop feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and pulled between the demands of all that you have to do, and start living the way YOU want-without fear of judgement, without looking for other people’s approvals, or doing what you think you SHOULD do?
Then join us at Ease.
You get an entire day focused on YOU & WHAT YOU NEED.
You'll have the entire group supporting, honoring, & cheering for you as you move toward what you want.
You'll feel seen & heard.
You'll go back to your life feeling connected to a powerful group of women, to YOURSELF, & to the changes you've been DYING to make but had no idea how to do that!
The Ease Virtual Retreat
Creating space for calm & balance
Saturday April 17 9:00 am-3:00 pm (pacific)
The entire Ease experience & follow-up group call is $129
BUT if you register before April 13th the early bird price is $97
Please ensure you are free on 4/17 before registering. The retreat will NOT be recorded & there are no refunds.
I can’t wait to meet you inside the Ease virtual retreat!
Who is Jen Sherwood?
I come from a long line of worriers. If this pandemic had happened 10 years ago things would look very different for me. I would be sitting in a pit of despair with no clue how to get out...
Heck I wouldn’t have even realized there was a different way of being!
I know now that part of my worry came from a general sense of not feeling good enough. I was worried about being judged, saying “something stupid”, being awkward, that I wasn’t a good mom, that I was going to EFF up my kids, or that someday after 27 years of being together that my husband would suddenly decide I really wasn’t as cool or fun as he thought & would leave.
What a load of BS to carry around eh?
My inner critic was on overdrive about my parenting, my career, my home, my body, my name it & I had something to criticize about myself. One day I got sick & tired of being sick & tired.
Fast forward to today...I am a certified coach, speaker, blogger and retreat leader. I work with women who are overwhelmed, feel pulled between the demands of work and home, rarely make time for themselves and worry that this is as good as it gets. I help them move themselves up on the priority list so they can build a life they LOVE, not just tolerate.
The Ease virtual retreat is PERFECT for you if…
You’ve been feeling stressed & overwhelmed.
It’s hard to make time for yourself-AND when you do guilt or your to-do list distracts you.
You frequently put aside what you are doing to deal with someone one else’s needs or requests.
The word “should” drives how you spend most of your time.
The day-to-day feels exhausting.
What used to get you out of a funk isn’t working as well.
You are tolerating more than you are enjoying.
You beat yourself up….A LOT.
You're short with your people.
Wait-are you short with your people? Do you feel guilty about it? Do you carry that around all day, apologize for it & find the next day it’s the same thing? Mmmm hmmm, I've got you.
At the retreat we'll talk about why that happens & put an end to it-even if you feel like that can’t happen right now. So if you’re interested in NOT being short with your people this retreat is the perfect place for you to get some relief and ease.
Don’t let another day go by where you feel like you are just holding it together!
The time warp of 2020 continues. There was no magic reset on 1/1/’s been a damn long time of fear & stress.
Come...sit...relax...connect...& remember WHO you are and what you LOVE at the Ease virtual retreat.
You’ll see that showing up how you want to be with your people is a game changer.
You will ENJOY your life, not just tolerate it-even in a pandemic.
Say NO to things that you don’t actually want to do and watch how the rest of your life falls in line.
Allow the connection & support of the group to remind you that you ROCK & you have a sisterhood standing with you.
You have questions, I have answers:
*Do I really need to spend money on this now?
Staying at home, not socializing like normal, & the pandemic itself have added an extra layer of fear and pressure to us. That is not changing anytime soon. Wouldn’t it be awesome to weather the rest of this storm from a place of confidence, joy, & not snapping at your people? The value of what you walk away with from this experience is priceless & may just save your relationships. Is that worth it to you?
*I don’t have time for this right now.
If you struggle with finding the time for everything, when will you think you’re not too busy? AND most people are staying pretty close to home during the pandemic which means you probably have the time & NEED the work in Exhale more than ever. It’s ONE day that will benefit so many more days.
*I’m not sure I’m at the right level for this. I’ve never done a retreat or coaching before.
While my retreats aren’t fluffy, you don’t have to have any previous experience to benefit from the work. I won’t leave anyone behind. Remember one of my super powers is creating a safe space, so you can feel comfortable to say you don’t understand or ask for clarification. The women who come to my events are at all levels of experience. We learn from each other as well as the content I bring.
Registration for the Ease Virtual Retreat is closed
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